Merry Mincemeat
Contributed by Diane S.
Source: MRS. G.R. HALL, Sherman, Tex.

7 1/2 pounds Bosc pears, cored and coarsely chopped
1 orange, quartered and seeded
1 cooking apple, cored and coarsely chopped
1 lemon, unpeeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped
1 (15-ounce) package raisins
6 cups sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup cider vinegar (5% acidity)
1 cup grape juice

Position knife blade in food processor bowl; add 4 cups pears. Process until
chopped. Place chopped fruit in a Dutch oven; repeat procedure with
remaining pears, orange, apple, and lemon.

Add raisins and remaining ingredients to pan; bring to a boil over high
heat. Reduce heat, and cook 2 hours, stirring occasionally.

Pour mincemeat into hot jars, filling to 1/4 inch from top; wipe jar rims.
Cover at once with metal lids, and screw on bands.

Process in boiling water bath 25 minutes. Serve as a relish with meats.

Yield: 6 pints.

Note: Mincemeat may be frozen in airtight containers up to 6 months.

For a quick pie, place a refrigerated piecrust in a 9-inch pieplate
according to package directions. Add 4 cups mincemeat and 1/2 cup walnuts,
and crisscross with additional crust pieces. Bake at 375 degrees for 30
minutes. Outstanding!
September 98 Recipes