« 7/9/05 | Main | 7/11/05 »


10:00 PM (Randall posting): Another full Sunday. Our major excitement for the day has been that my friend from Duke, Ashley, came to visit and brought another Duke friend with her (Molly). Ashley recently graduated from Duke and has just been commissioned to serve as a missionary intern in Bethlehem, which is just too cool for words. It was great visiting with her and seeing her again before she goes off into the real world. Elisabeth in particular was very sad when it was time for Ashley to leave. Ashley often babysat for Susan and me when we lived in Durham and Elisabeth grew to be quite attached to her.

Ms Dawn stayed at home with Sophie this morning while the rest of us went to church (Sophie's counts are undoubtedly still very low, but we'll know for certain what they are tomorrow). This evening, Ms Dawn stayed with both girls while Susan and I went to Bible Study and out on our date night. We got home not too long ago.

This week will be a big week for all of us. Sophie will wrap up this round of chemotherapy on Tuesday (vincristine and methotrexate in her IV and a methotrexate spinal tap). Elisabeth has swim lessons all week, and dance and piano lessons on Tuesday. Susan has her proposal that is due on Tuesday. Sounds like we'll be packing a week's worth of living in the next two days. Thankfully we have had a relaxing, restful weekend to store up whatever we'll need to get through these next few days. Keep us all in your prayers!